Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association is a modern forward-looking Association of like-minded people from all walks of life with a common belief that their country should be run by a Conservative government. Everyone who joins the association helps to do this by paying their £25 joining fee.
Members can also attend our special interest groups such as our womens section or business section where they can meet like minded people with similar issues and concerns for friendship and interest. We also hold events where we invite guest speakers to talk about an aspect of their political role or life.
Being a member of Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association means that you have joined the most open and democratic political party in Britain. After the first three months of your membership, you will be entitled to a vote in Party ballots. You will also have a chance to influence Party policy by letting us know your views.
Any person living in the United Kingdom is eligible to join the Conservative Party.
Applicants are not required to be registered voters or UK nationals. There is no upper or lower age limit on membership, although children under the age of 15 can not be enrolled as full voting members.
For information about joining Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association please either contact us on 01538 373 681
or click here to join
or email our Deputy Chair (Membership) on